
Thursday, May 17, 2012

DWTS Results Show #8

Now this is the results show of results shows!  Time to see who is going to make it to the finals next week!  After Monday night's performances it really is anyone's game, especially since the judges' scores were so close (only 3 points between top and bottom).

The judges decided to reshow William & Cheryl's samba.  I think I might have enjoyed it more the second time around.  I still have to wonder every time I watch him where he'd be if he had gotten a different partner this season.  I do think he still has a lot of untapped potential.

The video footage is going over Katherine's performances from the semi finals leaving us all wondering whether her injury is a bad one.  According to Tom, her injury was fine and she'll be able to continue if she's voted through.  And is she?!  Yup, she's going to the finals and she is very, very excited about it.  Mark is pretty excited too.

Macy's Design a Dance is up next.  Voters selected a Samba to Beyonce with Tristan & Chelslie.  The dance was entertaining.  Cheslie looked like she might be hitting everything a bit too hard to control it and some of the lifts were a bit weird but enjoyable. 

Alanis Morissette is up now with her new song.  She was not by the traditional pseudo ballroom dance but a full on contemporary, lyrical piece.  It was a very nice piece.

Maria & Derek are up for results now.  They got great scores from the judges, ending at the top of the leader board, but their performances left me wanting more.  Maria & Derek are in jeopardy and have to wait it out to see what happens later in the show.

A quick announcement about the next season of DWTS proves interesting.  An all-star season is coming up in the fall with returning winners, fan favorites, etc.  Wonder who it will be?!

A performance from the movie Rock of Ages is up next featuring Julianne Hough.  She didn't get to dance much other than kicks and hair flips but it was good to see her back.

Carrie Underwood is up next performing her new song.  The ballroom accompaniment is back with some cha cha (I think?).  Oh yep there we go it's a cha cha. 

William & Cheryl are up now for their results along with Donald & Peta.  I'm slightly worried cause it seems like Donald & Peta will be headed to jeopardy and as much as I know they aren't always the best dancers their numbers always entertaining.  And I was right to be worried, as Donald & Peta are in danger of going home.

It's the moment of truth, Maria & Derek and Donald & Peta are on stage.  Peta looks like she might be sick while Maria can't stop smiling, they are clearly handling the stress differently.  Maria & Derek are going home despite having the highest scores from the judges.      

Maria's Last Dance

So who brings home the trophy?  We'll find out very soon now!

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